The Design POP Contributor

Design, specify and visualize all in one seamless workflow with 2020 Office.
With the best tools and the most options, you can do more than just space-planning. Take advantage of every opportunity and drive your business to success. Manage all your projects to perfection with efficiency and precision. Make spaces for life with 2020 Office.
- Space-plan and design with 2020 Cap and 2020 Cap Complete
- Specify and organize with 2020 Worksheet
- Visualize the future with 2020 Visual Impression
About 2020- A Cyncly Company
Cyncly brings together more than 30 years of experience and offers industry-specific solutions in the kitchen, bathroom, office, furniture, flooring and windows, doors & glass industries. With the world’s largest repository of catalogs and solutions for every step of the process, including online space planning, CAD design applications, CPQ solutions, business process management, manufacturing execution systems (MES) and enterprise resource planning (ERP), Cyncly offers the ultimate connected platform to inspire and create a seamless flow of information to power sales and manufacturing.
Contact 2020- [email protected]